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A/Prof. Khoo has a specialist interest in minimally invasive endoscopic ear surgery. This ensures a much smaller scar than traditional postauricular (behind the ear) approaches, for patients in whom this approach would be suitable and amenable. He pioneered this technique in Ireland, having brought it back from his Fellowship in Toronto, Canada, and was the first surgeon performing this technique in Ireland.

He also has a  specialist interest in vestibular disorders (vertigo) arising from the inner ear.

He is trained and experienced in all aspects of ENT surgery including Rhinology, Sinonasal surgery, Laryngeal surgery, and benign Head and Neck Surgery. 




Disorders of the ear.


Otitis externa

Otitis media

Middle ear effusions

Eustachian tube dysfunction

Tympanic membrane perforations


Hearing loss 


Exostoses and Osteomata

Canal stenosis 



Disorders of the nose.


Allergic rhinitis 


Nasal polyposis

Septal deviations

Nasal fractures

Hyposmia and Anosmia 


Head and Neck Surgery

Parotid gland lesions

Submandibular gland disorders

Minor Salivary Gland disorders


Adenoidal hypertrophy 


Peritonsillar abscesses 

Thyroid nodules 

Thyroglossal duct cysts 

Branchial cysts


Disorders of the 'voice box'


Vocal cord nodules 

Vocal cord polyps 

Vocal cord papillomata 

Reinke's oedema of the vocal cords

Laryngopharyngeal reflux 


Vestibular Disorders

Disorders of movement and balance.



Benign positional vertigo

Recurrent vestibulopathy 

Meniere's Disease 

Superior semicircular canal dehiscence syndrome 

Mal de Debarquement Syndrome 

Acoustic neuroma 


We do apologise for not being able to offer a private paediatric service to children with disorders of the ears, nose and throat. 

Should the need for surgery arise, Mr. Khoo does not practice in a hospital that is able to provide paediatric anaesthesia.


Monday           Surgery SVUH

                          Surgery SMH

Tuesday           OPD SMH A.M

                          OPD SMH P.M

Wednesday     Private Clinic SMH A.M

                          Private Clinic SMH P.M

Thursday         Private Clinic SMH /                                    SVPH A.M

                          Surgery SVPH P.M

Friday               OPD SVUH A.M

value. ​quality care. convenience.

Ear Nose and Throat Clinic

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Wednesday               08:30am - 16:30pm

Thursday                   08:30am - 1030am

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