S.Guan Khoo
Ear Nose & Throat Private Clinic
Call Us Now 01 - 2808521
Fax 01 - 2804095
Email private.clinic@stmichaels.ie
About S.Guan Khoo
UCD Associate Clinical Professor
Head of Department, Otolaryngology / Head and Neck Surgery, St. Vincent's University Hospital
RCSI Training Programme Director in Otolaryngology / Head and Neck Surgery
RCSI Chair, Surgical Training Committee
Consultant Otolaryngologist / Head and Neck Surgeon
A/Prof Khoo qualified from the School of Medicine, Trinity College, University of Dublin, in 1998. He interned at St. James's Hospital before embarking on Basic Surgical Training at St. James's Hospital and the Midlands training scheme. He submitted his research Doctorate of Medicine thesis on allergic rhinitis, whilst completing his Higher Surgical Training in Otolaryngology (Ear Nose and Throat Surgery). He is registered on the Specialist Register of the Irish Medical Council in Otolaryngology.
Following completion of his training, A/Prof. Khoo was awarded the prestigious Thomas-Wickham Jones Fellowship in Neuro-Otology and Lateral Skull Base Surgery, whereupon he spent one year in subspecialisation training at Toronto General Hospital, Canada.
A/Prof. Khoo sees private consultations in Ear Nose and Throat Surgery at St. Michael's Private Clinic and St. Vincent's Private Hospital.

A/Prof. S.Guan Khoo
MB BCh BAO MA (Trinity College, University of Dublin)
AFRCSI (Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland)
DOHNS (Royal College of Surgeons of England)
FRCS (ORL-HNS) (Intercollegiate Board, Great Britain and Ireland)
MD (Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland)

Postgraduate Fellowship
Thomas-Wickham Jones (UK) Fellow 2011-2012
Otology, Neuro-Otology, Lateral Skull Base Surgery
Toronto General Hospital
Hospital for Sick Children (Sick Kids)
Markham-Stouffville Hospital
Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Medical Council of Ireland
Medical Protection Society
International Working Group of Endoscopic Ear Surgeons
value. ​quality care. convenience.